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This page contains recent publications. For a full list of the publications, please check out my Google Scholar profile. 


Feng D. and C.J. Gleason, More flow upstream and less flow downstream: the changing form and function of global rivers, Science, 386, 2767, DOI: 10.1126/science.adl5728

Muhebwa A., C.J. Gleason, D. Feng, and J. Taneja, 2024, Physics guided machine learning via distributed data modeling to improve discharge prediction in ungauged basins, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2024WR037122

Elisa S. Friedmann, Colin J Gleason, D. Feng, Theodore Langhorst, 2024, Estimating Riverine Total Suspended Sediment from Hyperresolution Satellite Fusion, IEEE JSTARS, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3443756

Ramtel, P., Feng, D., & Gardner, J. (2024). Toward large-scale riverine phosphorus estimation using remote sensing and machine learning. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129, e2024JG008121.​

Flores J. A., C. J. Gleason, C. Brinkerhoff, M. Harlan, M. M. Lummus, L. A. Stearns, and D. Feng, 2024, Mapping proglacial headwater streams in High Mountain Asia, Remote Sensing of Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2024.114124 


L.C. Smith, J. V. Fayne, B. Wang, E. D. Kyzivat, C. J. Gleason, M. E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, D. Feng, T. M. Pavelsky, D. L. Peters, Peace-Athabasca Delta water surface elevations and slopes mapped from AirSWOT Ka-band InSAR, Remote Sensing Letters, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2023.2280464


Wang B., L. C. Smith, E. D. Kyzivat, J. V. Fayne, C. Gleason, M. E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, D. Feng, et al., 2023, Slow avulsion of the Athabasca River underway on the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada, Water Resources Research, e2022WR034114, DOI: 10.1029/2022WR034114


Lin P., D. Feng, C. J. Gleason, M. Pan, C. Brinkerhoff, X. Yang, H. E. Beck, R.P.M. Frasson, 2023, Inversion of river discharge from remotely sensed river widths: A critical assessment at three-thousand global river gauges, Remote Sensing of Environment, 287, 113489


Feng, D., Gleason C.J., Yang X., Allen G.H., and Pavelsky T.M., 2022, How have global river widths changed over time? Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2021WR031712  (Top Downloaded Article in WRR)


Chen C., R. Gan, D. Feng, F. Yang, and Q. Zuo, 2022, Quantifying the contribution of SWAT modeling and CMIP6 inputting to streamflow prediction uncertainty under climate change, Journal of Cleaner Production, 36(1): 132675


Ethan D. Kyzivat, Laurence C. Smith, et al., including D. Feng, 2022, The Importance of Lake Emergent Aquatic Vegetation for Estimating Arctic-Boreal Methane Emissions, JGR: Biogeosciences, 127(6): e2021JG006635


Feng, D.; Gleason, C. J.; Lin, P.; Yang, X.; Pan, M.; Ishitsuka, Y. (2021. ) Recent changes to Arctic river discharge. Nature Communications, 12 (1 ), 6917


Gleason, C. J.; Yang, K.; Feng, D.; Smith, L. C.; Liu, K.; Pitcher, L. H.; Chu, V. W.; Cooper, M. G.; Overstreet, B. T.; Rennermalm, A. K.; Ryan, J. C. (2021. ) Hourly surface meltwater routing for a Greenlandic supraglacial catchment across hillslopes and through a dense topological channel network. The Cryosphere, 15 (5 ), 2315-2331


Harlan, M. E.; Gleason, C. J.; Altenau, E. H.; Butman, D.; Carter, T.; Chu, V. W.; Cooley, S. W.; Dolan, W. D.; Durand, M. T.; Eidam, E.; Fayne, J. V.; Feng, D.; Ishitsuka, Y.; Kuhn, C.; Kyzivat, E. D.; Langhorst, T.; Minear, J. T.; Pavelsky, T. M.; Peters, D. L.; Pietroniro, A.; Pitcher, L. H.; Smith, L. C. (2021. ) Discharge Estimation From Dense Arrays of Pressure Transducers. Water Resources Research, 57 (3 ), e2020WR028714


Ishitsuka, Y.; Gleason, C. J.; Hagemann, M. W.; Beighley, E.; Allen, G. H.; Feng, D.; Lin, P.; Pan, M.; Andreadis, K.; Pavelsky, T. M. (2021. ) Combining Optical Remote Sensing, McFLI Discharge Estimation, Global Hydrologic Modeling, and Data Assimilation to Improve Daily Discharge Estimates Across an Entire Large Watershed. Water Resources Research, 57 (3 ), e2020WR027794 (Editor's Highlight Paper in WRR)


Brinkerhoff, C. B.; Gleason, C. J.; Feng, D.; Lin, P. (2020. ) Constraining Remote River Discharge Estimation Using Reach-Scale Geomorphology. Water Resources Research, 56 (11 ), e2020WR027949


Feng, D.; Raoufi, R.; Beighley, E.; Melack, J. M.; Goulding, M.; Barthem, R. B.; Venticinque, E.; Cañas, C.; Forsberg, B.; Sorribas, M. V. (2020. ) Future climate impacts on the hydrology of headwater streams in the Amazon River Basin: Implications for migratory goliath catfishes. Hydrological Processes, 34 (26 ), 5402-5416


Nickles, C.; Beighley, E.; Feng, D. (2020. ) The Applicability of SWOT's Non-Uniform Space-Time Sampling in Hydrologic Model Calibration. Remote Sensing, 12 (19 ), 3241


Feng, D.; Beighley, E. (2020. ) Identifying uncertainties in hydrologic fluxes and seasonality from hydrologic model components for climate change impact assessments. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24 (5 ), 2253-2267


Myers, Monique R.; Barnard, Patrick L.; Beighley, Edward; Cayan, Daniel R.; Dugan, Jenifer E.; Feng, Dongmei; Hubbard, David M.; Iacobellis, Sam F.; Melack, John M.; Page, Henry M. (2019. ) A multidisciplinary coastal vulnerability assessment for local government focused on ecosystems, Santa Barbara area, California. Ocean & Coastal Management, 182 (9 ),104921


Feng, Dongmei; Gleason, Colin J.; Yang, Xiao; Pavelsky, Tamlin M. (2019. ) Comparing Discharge Estimates Made via the BAM Algorithm in High-Order Arctic Rivers Derived Solely From Optical CubeSat, Landsat, and Sentinel-2 Data. Water Resources Research, 55 (9 ), 7753-7771


Feng, Dongmei; Beighley, Edward; Raoufi, Roozbeh; Melack, John; Zhao, Yuanhao; Iacobellis, Sam; Cayan, Daniel (2019. ) Propagation of future climate conditions into hydrologic response from coastal southern California watersheds. Climatic change, 153 (1 ), 199-218


Copyright © Dongmei Feng 2022. All rights reserved.

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